"Painting is development of seeing and ability, painting is a science"

"Art is research, art is a science"

Galerie Time, Vienna, Austria 2006 (Aghzout)

Abdelkhalek Aghzout El Idrissi

Abstrakte Malerei / Zeitgenössische Kunst

Herzlich Willkommen

I am honoured to be presented in the International Contemporary Masters Juried art publication, among artists of high caliber from all over the world

Contact: Despina Tunberg
World Wide Art Books
5383 Hollister Ave, # 140
93111 Santa Barbara CA
Tel / Fax +1 805 683 3899
E-Mail - dt@wwab.us
Website: www.wwab.us

New Art Book Celebrates the Work of Modern Artists From Around the World
With no real center to today’s art world, the February release of WorldWide ArtBooks’ (WWAB) Annual International Contemporary Masters Volume III shows that innovation in art is still thriving in many, perhaps unexpected, corners of the globe. The book, produced by international curator, Despina Tunberg, traces the latest trends of today’s art, by featuring the works of select artists from around the world, who are helping shape the evolution of modern art.
“As a gallery owner in both Europe and the United States, I’ve seen how artists of varied esteem can spend time struggling to show their art, when what they really want to focus on is creating it,” said Tunberg, who founded World Wide ArtBooks in 2004. “I created International Contemporary Masters as a luxury art publication that would serve as a tool through which artists can introduce their work to the public and the art world alike. The book also brings lesser-known artists of high caliber to the public eye.”
International Contemporary Masters Volume III features more than 230 artists from nearly 50 countries and nearly 400 works of art. Each artist was selected by a committee according to strict criteria of originality and proficiency. The history of the artist was not so important, as WWAB’s editors were looking for artists breaking new ground, who’s names may not yet have been discovered. Media presented in the book includes painting, mixed media, sculpture, photography, digital art and installation.
In addition to producing the book itself, Tunberg offers featured artists support by organizing exhibitions to show their latest works. On February 29, WWAB and the Southern Nevada Museum of Fine Arts are presenting the first of three shows in Las Vegas, NV displaying the work of artists from 21 countries, who appeared in the 2008 & 2009 editions of International Contemporary Masters.
While the International Contemporary Masters series had its beginnings in Greece, in the International Art Festival of Chania, an annual event that attracted the participation of hundreds of artists from all over the world, it is now produced in the United States and shipped to artists around the globe.
About World Wide ArtBooks
For 15 years, WWAB’s founder, Despina Tunberg worked as a curator of the Omma Centre of Contemporary Art in Chania, Crete, where she organized themed exhibitions and international gatherings of artists and artworks. In 2004, she opened a second Omma gallery in Santa Barbara, CA. The vibrant catalogues that emerged from these eclectic exhibitions are what helped inspire her to found Word Wide ArtBooks. Members of the art world – first and foremost, artists themselves, gallery owners, museum curators, collectors and critics – have since begun to realize the worth of such an ongoing presentation, and the value of this particular presentation. Tunberg plans to keep International Contemporary Masters growing constantly and offering an ever more comprehensive depiction of the whole span of the visual arts today.
Published by World Wide Art Books www.wwab.us
Curator: Despina Tunberg 

Artists presented in the book:
Aasvik Therese  http://theresaaasvik.30art.com
Abraham Jessica http://jessicaabraham.30art.com   
Acciari Pierre- Louis  http://imagesetpeintures.blogspot.com  
Agapova Tamara  www.digit-art.ru   
Aghzout Abdelkhalek  www.aghzout.com 
Ainsley David
Ajiad Adnan M  www.equilibriarte.org/member/7233 
Akel Maria Eugenia www.mariaeugeniaakel.cl
Al Bakry Madny  www.madny.net
Albuquerque Pedro www.albuquerqueredro.net   
Alexandra Allison  www.allisonalexandra.com/
Allen Lewis  www.allenfarms.org
Amburgey Terry  www.terryamburgey.com
Anstedt Sheri
Apostolovi Reni & Philip  www.styleglassbg.com/index_en.html
Araujo Patricia  www.abstractmetropolis.com/ 
Armstrong James  www.armstrong-art.com
Arnold Patricia www.parnold.artspan.com
Ashley Lori  www.finearttwo.com
Au Hemphill Angela  http://www.auhemphill.ca/
Augier Annick  http://www.annickaugier.isendyouthis.com/
Aurland Sissel   www.sisselaurland.no/index.php
Bailey Richard  http://rbaileyart.com/ 

Buttazzoni Ivan  www.ivanbuttazzoni.com
Cabanne Joelle   http://www.wix.com/cabanne/joelle
Carpenter John M  http://www.johncarpenterartist.com
Caserotti Henry  www.henrycaserotti.com
Cayce Donald  www.8308.zenfolio.com
Chalabi Leila www.leilachalabi.com 
Chan Debbi  http://www.absolutearts.com/sosum/ 
Charbonneau Malaika Zbesheski  www.ThirtyThreeCircleThree.com
Cockell Tarja  www.tarjart.com/Site/home/home.html
Collin Sorin Wendy
Cook Jenik  www.Jeniksart.com  www.Jenik Cook.com
Cooper Gina  www.kagstudios.net
Cox Desiree  www.soulimagination.org 
Cran Michael
Cymber Jack  www.jcymber.com 
DaCosta Rita www.wooloo.org/RitaDaCosta   
DeBot Joan www.bluecanvas.org  www.artadeserta.com 
Degan Monika  www.deganart.com
Degan Stephen www.deganart.com
DeLuigi Andrea  www.andreadeluigi.com
Demaistre Amira www.artpaintamira.com 
DeMetz Michelle www.MichelledeMetz.net
DeSaugy Catherine www.catherine-de-saugy.com 
Didovets Yana http://www.art-yana-d.narod.ru/
Dimas Dimitris www.e-artists.gr
Dodd DiBello Tari  http://misstari.com
Dujic Slavko www.slavko-dujic.nl 
Egli Richard  http://www.atelierichart.ch/index2.html
Eldbaage Larz  www.eldbaage.com
Emmanouel Rania   www.artslant.com 
Erica Gutenschwager www.myartspace.com/erica   
Erwin Katherine http://web.me.com/evanescence89/KatherineErwinPhotography.com/Home.html
Fakhry Nawal  http://nawalfakhry.wordpress.com/
Faucher Isabelle http://www.isabelle-faucher.com/
Ferenc Sebök  www.sebok.be
Firestone  Robert www.theartofrwfirestone.com
Fitzke Kevin  www.KFitzkeDesign.com
Flink Fredrik  www.flinkart.com
Forrester Lizzy www.lizzyforrestergallery.com/ 
Frydrych Danuta http://dkfonline.com
Furlan Irene  
Gardiakos Soterios  http://www.gardiakos.com/
Garrity Aida http://www.aidabgarrity.com/ 
Gaul Ursula  http://www.ursulagaul.de/
Gavingo  (David Arzeno) www.gavingo.com
Gilpatrick Eleanor  www.gilpatr.1000Markets.com
Gorokhova Katerina  www.katerinagorokhova.ru   
Gougeon Jeffrey
Griesgraber Michael  www.mgriesgraber.com
Grosova Hana www.absolutearts.com/hanahajkova
Grussing Joleen www.cwos.org/Joleen_Grussing
Gurney Margaret www.gurneyart.bigpondhosting.com
Guskin Andrea www.andreaguskin.com

Hale Patricia  www.pdhaleartist.com
Hansgaard Mette  www.mettehansgaard.dk
Harris Fukuko www.fukukoharris.net
Haug Kari Elisabeth  www.kariart.net
Hayes Benjamin www.benjaminhayesart.com 
Hill Julie
Hirata Yusuke
Holman Cathy  www.CathyFuchsHolman.com
Hood Mary http://artists.hc.asu.edu/artists/individual_text.php?id=&userId=64&area=12
Ibbo Jeff  www.kunstffthewall.dk  http://offthewall.dk  
Ilter Orcun  www.lebriz.com/orcunilter  www.orcunilter.com 
Imamoglu Gulten www.gultenimamoglu.com
Jackson Terry
Jacobs Richard  http://www.richardjacobs.artspan.com/
Janeczko Roman  www.romanjaneczko.com  http://www.mnsculptors.com/gallery.php?memid=1203260921&p=99 
Jasek Catherine  www.art-by-cath.com
Kabar Vivien www.vivienkabar.hu
Kabbeko Erica  http://kabbeko.deviantart.com/
Kaller Mimmi  www.grafikverkstan.eu.tt  www.galleriolika.se
Kawasaki Shunsuke  http://tongpharandsunsetscorn.com
Kern Deepa  www.deepakern.com/
Khan Tashi  http://tashikhan.com/   http://gallery.eclusier.com/thumbnails.php?album=31&page=2
Kihara Fumie http://fumie.artists.de/
Kim Sook  www.artaddiction.net
Kislitsin Evgeniy  http://art-kislitsin.ru/
Kosonen Mauri  www.maurikosonen.net/ 
Krzywicki Keith www.krzywickimodernart.com
Kubiak Rasmussen  Rigmor www.art-fusion-international.com
Kuroda Etsuko
Kyriakou Angela www.wooloo.org/angelakyriakou

LaCreta Silvana http://www.silvanaravena.com
Lambert Melissa Ann  http://www.melissaannlambert.com
Lane Melody  www.melodylanestudio.com
Lavalee Michelle http://www.artpleinair.net/Web%20Pages/index_2.html
Lee Hui Ling http://www.huilinglee.com
Leong Lampo www.LampoLeong.com
L'Etoile Martine www.martineletoile.com
Libhaber Miriam www.libhaber.com
Lightwing Samuel
Lively Jim  www.jimlivelyart.com
Losonczi Joseph  www.artshow.com   www.art-intrview.com
Lundy Monica  www.monicalundy.com 
Lüth Hedegaard Susan  www.susanluth.com   
Macovei Nicolae
Majdandzic Viktor  www.majdandzic.nl
Matsushima Loreen  http://loreenmatsushima.30art.com/
Mattsson Gun  http://www.gunmattsson.com/
McCoy John
Meeker Darcy http://darcymeeker.com/index.htm
Metz Michelle
Merxelino Nicandro  http://www.myartspace.com/Nicandro/
Metcalfe May Karen http://kmay.carbonmade.com 
Milek Ryszard http://ryszardmilek.com/
Mitsotakis Lisandros
Molnár Mirko  www.molnarimre.com
Moran Paul  http://www.watercolornudes.com
Mozumdar Sripriya  www.thefuschiatree.com/erisedmirror
Nazim Mehmet  http://www.artbreak.com/nazimmehmet
Nesic  Natasha   www.natashanesic.com
Newman David  http://www.artworksbydavid.com/index.html
Nii Ahene-La http://www.niiahenela.30art.com 
Nilsson Ingrid  www.ingridnilsson.co.uk                                 
Nostrakis Symeon  http://www.333artworks.com  http://www.tripleviewart.com
Nylamo Erkki  www.arsnet.net/erkkinylamo

Scheriau Hanna  www.neueartmalerei.at 
Schiesser Susan www.susanschiesser.30art.com
Schler David
Seshadri Sreenivasan  http://www.artofseshadri.com/
Sharmeen Laila  http://www.lailasharmeen.com/
Shestik Yefim  http://artscad.com/@/YefimShestik
Shimizu Kensuke   www4.ocn.ne.jp/~kensuke/sub1.html
Shinkarenko Alexander  http://www.artmoderngroup.com/
Shirriff  Jason  www.anschelgallery.com/
Shriyan Nayna
Snoody Rufus
Sobke Christel  www.Art-Christel-Sobke.de 
Sossella Gilberto http://www.absolutearts.com/portfolios/g/gisosse/
Struzik Mirosla wwww.struzik.art.pl
Tanaskovic - Papadopoulos Marija http://www.marijaart.com/
Tapp Cheryl www.artforprogress.org
Tarasiewicz Tamara http://www.tamaratarasiewicz.com/
Taylor Inger http://www.ingeranna.com/
Timco Sabina  www.sabinatimco.30art.com
Tincher Bill www.moments1.com
Torres Alicia www.aliciahtorresart.com
Treuter Bjoern  www.artmajeur.com/treuter